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HomeResponsibilityEquitable Access to MedicinesGlobal Health FellowsGlobal Health FellowsThe Global Health Fellows Programme (GHF) is an international volunteer scheme that places Pfizer colleagues and teams in short-term projects with leading international development organisations.

In 2002, Pfizer responded to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic by committing the skills and expertise of its colleagues to help address the personnel gap in health care services. Around eight months later, the Global Health Fellows (GHF) programme was launched, giving Pfizer colleagues the opportunity to take part in three-to-six-month assignments with non-profit partners.

During placements, colleagues use their health and business expertise to promote access, quality and efficiency of health services and build health care capacity for people in developing and emerging communities around the world. Assignments are often focused on addressing pressing global health challenges, such as limited access to care, lack of education and low immunisation rates.

To further evolve its skills-based volunteering offering, Pfizer introduced a shorter-term Global Health Teams Programme in 2010, giving cross-functional teams of colleagues the opportunity to offer their technical and professional expertise to help address operational or strategic issues an organisation may be facing.

Since 2003, over 850 Pfizer employees from offices around the world have participated in the programmes. Colleagues have visited around 51 countries and completed an estimated ~ 420,000 hours of skills-based volunteering, working with more than 110 partner organisations on projects aimed at strengthening health systems.

By embedding our skilled colleagues in these high-need areas, we are directly impacting patients and gathering invaluable insights to drive future innovation and progress within Pfizer.

“Global Health Fellows is a once in a lifetime opportunity to leave everything you know, get out of your comfort zone, put your skills to the test and gain a new perspective - all whilst helping to improve the lives of people in need. The programme impacted me in so many ways, I’m excited to bring the experience back to my work and home life.”Kate Shackleton, Senior Brand Manager, Pfizer UK

As a 2017 Fellow, Senior Brand Manager Kate Shackleton spent 4 months in Vietnam working with Save the Children to develop a strategy for its Health and Nutrition programme.


Volunteering and Fundraising

Each year, our colleagues are able to take up to five days of volunteering.


International Trachoma Initiative

The International Trachoma Initiative aims to meet the WHO's call to eliminate trachoma by 2030.

PP-UNP-GBR-9239 / May 2024
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