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Collaborative Working Project between OUTpatients and Pfizer Oncology

Collaborative Working Project between OUTpatients and Pfizer Oncology

Creating, developing and distributing social media content and written information for oncology patients from the LGBT+ community and healthcare professionals (HCPs) who work in oncology.


The LGBT+ community continues to be overlooked in many aspects of healthcare, including during their cancer treatment. The cancer care experience is different for LGBT+ patients and unfortunately it is not always a positive one. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) play a role
in this too, there is a well-documented need to improve health professional training and revise resources to be more inclusive.

In line with Pfizer’s social values, Pfizer will collaborate with OUTpatients, a pioneering patient-led charity. As the only current LGBT+ cancer charity in the UK, they advocate for and support all LGBT+ people affected by cancer. Their work is impactful, innovative and award winning. As authorities on the subject of the LGBT+ community within oncology, they have identified that the freedom and confidence of patients to be able to disclose personal information about their sexual orientation or gender identity to their healthcare providers is a key part of their care and their cancer journey. This was discussed with Pfizer and felt to be an important piece suitable for collaboration.


As part of a Collaborative Working project, Pfizer and OUTpatients will create content for patients and HCPs to address the educational gap identified by LTT and Pfizer. There is a need for LGBT+ oncology patients to feel comfortable and able to ‘come out’ to their HCP’s during their cancer journey, therefore, allowing for more holistic patient care. The HCPs in turn need to be able to respond to this information in a respectful, appropriate and approachable manner. At present there appears to be a gap in this area which we aim to address with this project.



Benefits to Patients

  • Improve mental health in the LGBT+ community surrounding cancer diagnosis/treatment and survivorship

  • Allow LGBT+ patients the confidence to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity without fear of discrimination or prejudice

Benefits to NHS

  • Increased patient satisfaction

  • Improve HCP education on factors in treating their patients from diverse backgrounds

  • Improve open dialogue between LGBT+ cancer patients and their HCPs

  • Increase engagement of members of the LGBT+ community with cancer services and cancer screening programs

  • Recognising and reducing HCP microaggressions, heterosexist assumptions towards the LGBT+ community in oncology

Benefits to Pfizer

  • Working with an underserved community in healthcare to better understand and gain insight into their needs

  • Demonstrate Pfizer’s ongoing commitment to inclusion and diversity beyond the business and into healthcare

  • Action harnessing the power of social media to enhance health outcomes and patient experience



Proposed term of collaborative working project

Planned Start Date of Project: July 2023
Planned End Date of Project: 1st February 2024

RESPONSIBILITYHealthcare Organisation Grants

Pfizer is committed to being transparent about the relationships we have with other organisations.


Through Joint Working projects, we work in partnership with healthcare organisations to develop solutions that improve patient care and add value to the work of the NHS.

PP-UNP-GBR-6988 / October 2023
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