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HomeResponsibilityTransparencyHealthcare Organisation GrantsHealthcare Organisation Grants

Pfizer is committed to being transparent about how we operate as a business and about the relationships we have with other organisations.

We are proud to support patients, the NHS, healthcare organisations, charities and universities through a variety of grants, donations and collaborative projects.

Donations are only ever paid to a healthcare organisation; a donation would never be paid to a healthcare professional. Donations paid to patient organisations are published here.

To provide context to each donation provided by Pfizer to a healthcare organisation, and to make the data more meaningful to the general public, Pfizer is committed to disclosing an additional level of detail which provides a brief summary about each grant or donation. Support we provide includes:

Donations and Grants

We provide grants and donations to healthcare, medical or scientific associations and organisations across the UK to drive improvements in patient care and help achieve the best results for patients and the NHS. Grants are the provision of financial support. Donations are generally physical items or goods, services or benefits in kind. We provide grants and donations with no obligation or expectation of the recipient organisation to provide any benefit to Pfizer in return.

Collaborative Working

Collaborative working projects pool skills, experience and/or resources between pharmaceutical companies, healthcare organisations, and others for the benefit of patients or, alternatively, benefit the NHS and, as a minimum, maintain patient care. 

Charitable and Business Donation

This is the provision of funding, equipment or products to a registered charity or an organisation to support public interest activities. These donations are made freely, and Pfizer does not expect any direct or indirect tangible benefit in return.


Through studentships, graduates undertake a research project to gain a PhD. Pfizer does not directly fund students but provides a number of grants every year to universities and research organisations to support PhD studentships.

Educational Grant

An Educational Grant is funding provided by Pfizer to an entity to support a bona fide, independent educational programme in areas of interest to Pfizer, such as medical science or public health policy. The primary purpose of the support is the provision of a legitimate educational programme and not an opportunity to promote Pfizer’s products, brands or business. Educational grants are always provided to entities and never to individuals.

Payment Reports
Visit to see a full database of the payments we make to healthcare organisations in the UK.

Pfizer’s methodological note for disclosure reporting is available on the ABPI's 'Explore the data further' webpage.


Working with NHS and other Healthcare Organisations

We believe that, together, we can tackle some of the challenges facing the NHS today.


Research and Development Funding

Find out how much we have given to third party research and development activities in the UK.

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