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Pfizer in the UK

Pfizer has a rich heritage of working within the UK since our first facility was opened back in 1952.

Home Science Pfizer in the UK

We've had a UK presence for over 70 years, and are committed to working with the NHS and other healthcare organisations across the system, developing solutions to improve the delivery of care and to support the best possible patient outcomes.

Supporting UK health and prosperity

We support the government's aim to build a sustainable NHS, including through prioritising prevention, ensuring patients benefit from the latest technology, and by bringing care closer to communities. We also believe investment in health is key to building a prosperous society.

We believe there is a need for the government, the NHS and the pharmaceutical industry to work together towards these shared missions, meeting these challenges head-on while putting patients first.

It's critical that we help ensure patients have access to new medicines, and that we support the NHS to meet growing demands, whilst delivering the conditions for a thriving life sciences sector to drive economic growth.


Our UK Investment

In 2023, we spent over £318 million supporting research and development carried out in the UK and contributed to 91 collaborations with universities, pharmaceutical companies, industries and others. Through collaborations with scientists, academics and clinicians, sharing knowledge, skills and expertise we aim to improve the health and lives of people in the UK and around the world. During 2023, we had 31 clinical trials on-going in the UK, across 51 UK sites.

Download the 'Pfizer in the UK' fact sheet

Over 150 Pfizer medicines and vaccines are licensed for use in the UK. 

Our UK investment goes beyond our medicines. Each year we provide donations to charities, patient organisations, community organisations, academic institutions and professional societies and for over 20 years have supported the International Health Partners. We also actively support the scientists of tomorrow, through the National Apprenticeship Programme, our undergraduate placement scheme and through various STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) and SIP (Science Industry Partnership) activities.


Business in the UK

The UK is an important location for Pfizer, with around 2,000 colleagues in five locations working across our commercial business and research and development.

Our site in Sandwich is home to Pfizer's UK research and development with Pharmaceutical Sciences, Global Clinical Supplies and Quality Assurance colleagues supporting our clinical trials worldwide as well as various steps in the complex process of developing new medicines. Sandwich is also home to Pfizer's Worldwide Safety & Regulatory operations, where regulatory submissions, product licensing, clinical trial applications, translations, labelling and artwork for over 175 markets across the globe are managed.

Our Devices Centre of Excellence in Cambridge, is another key site, specialising in the design and development of medicines 'delivery devices', such as auto-injectors and injector pens.

Our Locations

Sandwich, Kent
Home to Pfizer's UK research and development site, Worldwide Safety & Regulatory operations and co-home to the Pharmaceutical Sciences Small Molecule team

Walton Oaks, Surrey
Pfizer's UK commercial headquarters

Devices Centre of Excellence, Cambridge
Specialists in the design and development of medicines delivery devices

Francis Crick, London
Anti-infectives research

Marlow, Buckinghamshire
Global and regional operations

Our History

Pfizer has a rich heritage of working within the UK since our first facility was opened back in 1952. 

Devices Centre of Excellence

Our Devices Centre of Excellence specialises in the design and development of devices for delivery of medicines, such as auto-injectors or injector pens. 

Global Regulatory Affairs

After successful clinical trials, new medicines or treatments need to be licensed and approved before they can be made available to patients.

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Transforming experimental molecules into medicines for clinical trials. 

Material Characterisation Team

Helping ensure Pfizer medicines are consistently manufactured to the highest possible standards.

PP-UNP-GBR-10794 / December 2024
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