Classrooms gain access to specialist science equipment
Our ‘Lab in a Box’ initiative is an example of one of our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related activities, helping to inspire future generations of scientific talent.
Funded by our academic and community project budget, the programme enables schools in the surrounding areas of Sandwich, Kent, to borrow specialist equipment over a two-week period at no cost*. A team of Pfizer STEM Ambassadors then run teacher training sessions to demonstrate how to use the equipment in order for them to run their experiments. Teachers benefit from the training as it counts towards their CPD (Continual Professional Development) training record and students benefit from use of equipment they otherwise may not have access to.
To register your interest in our 'Lab in a Box' scheme, please visit the STEM Hub website.
Equipment now available through the scheme includes:
DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine with gel electrophoresis
Apparatus for communicating with the educational satellite ‘FUNcube’
Thermal imaging cameras
Electronics kits for primary schools
Infrared spectrometer
Digital microscopes
Data loggers
* Note: consumables must be purchased by the school using the equipment.
Our STEM/SIP ambassadors will outline the range of careers available within the pharmaceutical industry.
Providing schools near Sandwich, Kent with access to an industrial laboratory.