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Great science means sharing knowledge and resources to work faster and achieve more.

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Academic collaborations are a rich source of creativity and scientific talent. Pooling resources and expertise can help the UK life sciences community to find and develop new medicines and vaccines. It’s what we call our “R&D ecosystem”.

In 2023, we had 91 research collaborations and strategic alliances across the UK.1 Through these partnerships, we work with scientists, academics and clinicians to deliver world-leading science.

Collaboration with Cambridge University on an AI model to help predict chemical reaction outcomesIn 2019, we began a partnership with the University of Cambridge on an AI (artificial intelligence) driven project to help predict how certain chemicals will react with each other.Pfizer's collaboration with CMACWe've been a Tier 1 partner of the centre for Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation (CMAC), at the University of Strathclyde, since 2017.Partnership with Regeneron for UK Biobank Exome SequencingWe were part of a collaboration that aimed to speed up the exome sequencing of 500,000 UK participants.ADDoPTIn 2015 we joined ADDoPT, a 4 year £20.4 million collaborative project between government, pharmaceutical companies, SME's and academia.


  1. Pfizer data on file. April 2024.
PP-UNP-GBR-10813 / November 2024
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